Monday, November 1, 2010

Some good readin'

In preparation for my time in Honduras, I've been working with a Peruvian professor on a directed study. (My professor has been constantly challenging my "western" beliefs.. frustrating at times, but so incredibly helpful). But basically, I can study whatever I want- it was quite a task to narrow my topic! It's important for me to better understand Honduran culture and political history seems to be one of the best ways to do that. So I decided to focus mainly on women and their political action in Honduras. I can't wait to compare all this new knowledge to the realities of the country.

If anyone is interested in learning a bit about Honduras' history or the lives of active farmers, I would recommend reading Don't Be Afraid Gringo. It follows the life of Elvia Alvarado and her inspirational dedication to bettering the lives of her fellow campesinas.

Pretty sure it's too early to start a countdown ...but I'm going to start anyways. In ten weeks I'll be at Stonehill's orientation in preparation for our departure!

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