Sunday, January 9, 2011

And we're off!

Tomorrow is the first mark of my eleven month journey. My parents and I will head to Stonehill for our four day orientation, and then we fly out on Friday. This week Chris, Matt, and I will be learning about creating intentional communities, cultural sensitivity, and lots more. Our program director, Kris, seems to have wonderful things planned for us!

I can finally say that I'm completely...almost completely.. packed and am anxiously waiting to get things rolling. Time at home has flown by as expected, but I was able to do a lot of great things at home. I traveled to Burlington with my parents and to NYC with Kate, attended a Buddhism class with Lucy, celebrated Christina's birthday, and was lucky enough to have lots of loving friends from Stonehill visit for a night.

Saying goodbye is never an easy thing, but I hope to keep everyone updated through this blog and I will have access to email. (fyi: I also will be receiving texts on my us cell!) So be sure to keep in touch, and hopefully I can do the same. : ) To everyone who has supported me thus far- my endless gratitude. You will all be in my thoughts as I go experience Honduras!

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